Friday, December 18, 2009

guyzz we should drop one of theese in the office:)

Dear staff of br

I see you walking forward
A clipboard by your side
Your expresion growing stern
With each approaching stride

Your eyes enlarge with power
Youve discovered something wrong
A girl strolling the hallway
With a skirt thats much too long

I see you every morning
Same clipboard by your side
You seem to search for trouble
With such fulfilling pride

My educaters taught me
That the staff will help you through
And so with my own troubles
I turned my eyes to you

You seemed to understand me
You said you would work it out
Your words flowed so freely
They left me without doubt

Well days then weeks moved forward
You didnt fulfill your word
yet everyday i see you
With the same clipboard

My hopes completely vanished
but my mind cant comprehend
you can find time for infractions
But no time to understand??

So you are my strong example
You show me what to do
yet everyday i promise
To never be like you